GSM Based Home Security System using PIR Sensor and Arduino

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Hello friends! Welcome to ElectroDuino. This blog is based on GSM Based Home Security System using Arduino, PIR Motion Sensor, and SIM800 GSM Module. Here we will discuss Introduction to Home Security System, Project Concept, Block Diagram, Components Required, Circuit diagram, Working Principle, and Arduino Code.

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In our day-to-day life crime is increasing rapidly, so one of the important things is the security of our home, office, and shop from thieves/burglars. There are different types of home security systems available in the market including several security features like fire, LPG, electronic door lock, heat, smoke, temperature, etc.
In this project tutorial, we will be going to design a Home Security System using PIR sensor and GSM module which detects intruders and informs the owner. This system/device detects thieves/burglars when they try to enter the house and informs the owner by sending text messages on her/his phone.

For this project you should know:

Project Concept

This GSM Based Home Security System project has been implemented on a very simple concept and it’s very easy to build. The fundamental components of this project are the PIR sensor, Arduino, SIM800L GSM Module, LED, and Buzzer.

PIR sensor detects the motion of surrounding objects by sensing the difference in infrared or radiant heat levels emitted by that objects. It produces high output by detecting the movement of any objects or human body in front of it. Here it is used to detect thieves/burglars (any human beings). When someone comes in front of the sensor, it detects motion and provides a high output voltage. This output voltage goes to the Arduino. Here we will use Arduino UNO which is the main microcontroller of this project, it controls the whole system. When the Arduino read this high output voltage, then it sends commands to the GSM module for sending a Text Message/SMS to a specific user’s Mobile number. The LED and Buzzer are working as warning indicators, which alert us when someone tries to enter the house.

Block Diagram of GSM SIM800L Based Home Security System

Block Diagram of Diagram GSM SIM800L Based Home Security System. Introduction to Home Security System, Project Concept, Block Diagram, Components Required, Circuit diagram, Working Principle, and Arduino Code.
Block Diagram of GSM SIM800L Based Home Security System

Components Required 

Components NameQuantity
Arduino Uno1
PIR Motion Sensor1
SIM800L GSM Module1
Red LED (D1)1
Buzzer (B1)1
1000µf 50V Capacitor1
Slide Switch (SW1)1
9V Battery with Battery connector1
4.1V Power Supply1
PCB Zero board1
Connecting wiresAs required in the circuit diagram


Tools Required

Tools NameQuantity
Soldering Iron1
Soldering wire1
Soldering flux1
Soldering stand1
Desoldering pump1

Circuit/Schematic Diagram of GSM SIM800L Based Home Security System

Circuit/Schematic of Diagram GSM SIM800L Based Home Security System. Introduction to Home Security System, Project Concept, Block Diagram, Components Required, Circuit diagram, Working Principle, and Arduino Code.
Circuit/Schematic of Diagram GSM SIM800L Based Home Security System

Circuit Wiring

Components NameComponents PinArduino Pin
PIR Motion SensorGNDGND
SIM800L GSM ModuleVCC* The positive terminal of 4.1V External Power Supply
GND* The negative terminal of 4.1V External Power Supply and Arduino GND
Buzzer (B1)Positive terminalD13
Negative terminalGND
LED (D1)Positive terminalD12
Negative terminalGND
9V Power SupplyPositive terminalVin
Negative terminalGND

Working Principle of GSM Based Home Security System using Arduino

After connecting all components according to the circuit diagram and uploading the code to the Arduino board. When the input power supply is applied to the circuit, then the Arduino starts working step by step according to the code/Program.

First of all, the Arduino makes the connection to the Network with help of the SIM800L GSM Module.

At the same time, The PIR sensor requires a “warm-up” time of 20 to 60 seconds to proper operation. This time is required because the PIR sensor has a settling time duration, during this time it calibrates according to the environment and stabilizes the infrared detector.

Remember that, during this time a small motion in front of the sensor can create an error in calibration and the PIR sensor may not produce a reliable output. So, try to avoid very little movement in front of the sensor at the “warm-up” time.

We need to install the GSM Based Home Security System circuit/device at the entrance of the house, where have a chance to enter the thieves/burglars.

When someone comes in the detection range of the PIR Motion Sensor, then it detects motion and produces a High (5v) output signal from its output pin.  The Arduino reads this high output signal and it realizes someone has come in front of the sensor. Now, the Arduino communicates with the SIM800L GSM module via serial communication to send Text Messages to the owner’s mobile number. The mobile number has pre-programmed in code, you can change it in code.

At the same time, the Red LED and buzzer also turn on, these warn the owner that someone (thieves/burglars) has come in front of the Door (Sensor).

Arduino Code

/*GSM SIM800L Based Home Security System using Arduino and PIR Sensor = */

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 2);//Arduino's (rx,tx)

int PIRsensor = 6; //PIR Sensor Pin
int RedLED = 12;     // Red LED pin
int buzzer = 13; //Buzzer Pin

int MotionRead, Motion_alert_val,recheckMotion;
int pir_Status, Motion_sms_count=0, PIR_Motion_Status;

 void setup()
  pinMode(PIRsensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(RedLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
  mySerial.begin(9600);  // Sim Baud rate
  mySerial.println("AT"); //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK
  digitalWrite(RedLED, LOW);    // Red LED off
  digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);    // Buzzer off

 void loop()

 void CheckMotion()
   Serial.println("Motion Scan - ON");
   Motion_alert_val = ScanMotion();

   //D6 Pin becomes HIGH when Motion detected
   if (Motion_alert_val == HIGH)
     MotionAlert(); // Function to send SMS Alerts
  int ScanMotion()
    MotionRead = digitalRead(PIRsensor); // reads the Gas sensor D0 Pin
    return MotionRead; // returns temperature value in degree celsius

 // Function to send SMS Alerts
 void MotionAlert()
   digitalWrite(RedLED, HIGH); // Red LED on
   digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); // Buzzer on
   while (Motion_sms_count < 2) //Number of SMS Alerts to be sent
     mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode
     mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxxx\"");//change ZZ with country code and xxxxxxxxxxx with phone number to sms
     mySerial.print("Alert Alert!! Motion Detected !! Someone try to enter the house!! "); //text content
     mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode
     mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxxx\"");//change ZZ with country code and xxxxxxxxxxx with phone number to sms
     mySerial.print("Alert Alert!! Motion Detected !! Someone try to enter the house!! !!"); //text content
   PIR_Motion_Status = 1;
   Serial.println("Motion Detected! SMS Sent!");

 void CheckNoMotion()
   if (PIR_Motion_Status == 1)
     recheckMotion = ScanMotion();
     if (recheckMotion == LOW) //D0 Pin becomes HIGH when No Gas
        Serial.println("No Motion Detected");
        digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
        Motion_sms_count = 0; //Reset count for next alert triggers
        PIR_Motion_Status = 0;

 void updateSerial()
   while (Serial.available()) 
     mySerial.write(;//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
    Serial.write(;//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port


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